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Partner Program

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Channel Partners

InvisibleHand Networks' Channel Partner Program

The Invisible Hand Channel Partner Program combines InvisibleHand’s industry-leading technology in market-based pricing and delivery of network resources with the operational and sales capabilities of our channel partners. Channel Partnerships are developed to extend the existing sales reach, and attract new sales opportunities for both InvisibleHand and our channel partners.  Channel partners include exchanges and neutral co-location facilities that incorporate and market the services of Merkato liquid bandwidth marketplaces to increase the customer base. Channel partners may also include consulting firms that are in a position to recommend InvisibleHand products or provide consulting services to their customers, thereby expanding customer reach for both the channel partner and InvisibleHand Networks.

Channel Partner Program Benefits include:
     Increased revenue per client for partners
     Increased revenue per square foot for the neutral co-location facility or exchange
     Competitive advantage for both the channel partner and InvisibleHand Networks
     Expanded sales opportunities for both the channel partner and InvisibleHand Networks

Channel Partnership Attributes:

  • Partner Training
    • Product Training
    • Solution Training
    • Sales Training
  • Technical Support
  • Market Development Support
  • Tactical Marketing
    • Inclusion in InvisibleHand Web Site
    • Right to Use Logo 
    • Marketing Collateral; Co-branding
    • Public Relations
    • Partner Press Release
  • Early Access to Documentation

Partner Training
By offering partners product and/or solution training, InvisibleHand Networks provides a method for partners to successfully deploy and integrate with Merkato.  In addition, sales training may also be employed to enable partner sales force to position and attract new sales opportunities based on Merkato’s value proposition.

Technical Support
InvisibleHand Networks offers its channel partners technical support to ensure that its customers are as satisfied with solutions provided by partners as provided by InvisibleHand Networks directly. InvisibleHand Networks technical support allows partners access to several sources of product knowledge, market management and monitoring information and assistance.

Market Development Support
InvisibleHand Networks will, upon request, work with channel partners to co-develop strategic approaches for positioning solutions and for attracting their unique customer base. Market development planning will also drive the tactical marketing programs described below, that can be employed by channel partners and by InvisibleHand to expand their respective customer bases.

Tactical Marketing Programs
InvisibleHand Networks Merkato Software has established a reputation in the market as a leading pricing and allocation solution through its technological vision, product uniqueness, and customer successes. Partners may choose to take advantage of the following marketing benefits:

Web Site
InvisibleHand Networks partners are allowed to promote themselves and their relationship with InvisibleHand in a section of InvisibleHand Network’s Web Site, accessible from the main page. Through reciprocal links, partners can promote joint customer successes, integrated offerings and joint marketing efforts in addition to a general description of partner service offerings.

InvisibleHand Logos
The InvisibleHand Logo can be used by partners to promote their relationship with InvisibleHand Networks.

Marketing Collateral; Co-Branding
Partners can have access to marketing collateral, including product brochures, application descriptions, case studies, and technical analysis. Upon request, InvisibleHand will work with channel partners to develop joint marketing collateral around agreed upon focus areas or programs.

Public Relations and Customer Success Stories
InvisibleHand Networks focuses its public relations efforts on customer successes and well-defined and deliverable value to mutual customers. Partners can take advantage of press releases, customer success stories, and case studies that will be posted on the InvisibleHand Networks web site and reported on in print media, and speaking engagements. In addition, InvisibleHand will offer qualified channel partners referrals upon request.

Early Access to Documentation
For channel partner business acceleration, InvisibleHand Networks will give preferential access to all reference documents for market management and administration, as well as for training of buyers and sellers in the Merkato marketplace. In addition, implementation information will be furnished to facilities that plan to augment their service offerings with liquid IP bandwidth marketplaces powered by Merkato.


For more information or to speak to someone about our Partner Programs, please email us at info@invisiblehand.net.

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